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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Enjoy the BBQs, fireworks & fun, but be safe

6/13/2024 (Permalink)

flames on grill Grilling is a major part of backyard gatherings in Summer. Follow these safety tips to avoid a fire.

Summer is just over a week away and is traditionally known for barbeques, picnics and of course, July Fourth fireworks!

While putting on a firework show at your own home may seem fun, there are many risks. If lighting fireworks is not legal in your residential area there could be a large fine. Moreover, keep in mind the potential dangers that could occur as a result of fireworks, such as severe burns, blindness and scars.

Kids should not be near or handling the firecrackers or rockets. Supervise children around fireworks at all times. To avoid the dangers of fireworks, enjoy a public fireworks display conducted by professionals.

If you choose to give your children sparklers, never leave children unattended with these. It is possible to get burned by the tip of the sparkler. Make sure your children do not point the sparklers towards themselves or others. Keep a bucket of water nearby for when your child is finished with the sparkler to ensure that the sparkler is no longer lit.

Take precaution for your pets, too! Leave your pets inside your home so there are no risks. Loud fireworks and unfamiliar places can be scary to pets.

And of course summer isn't summer without outdoor grills! Remember these tips when grilling:

  • Never grill in an enclosed area, as carbon monoxide could be produced.
  • Use caution when using lighter fluid on a barbeque. Do not add fluid to an already-lit fire, as the flame can flash back into the container and explode.
  • Make sure children are away from the grill.

Have fun this summer and stay safe!

Know who to call in the event you have fire or water damage in your home or business. Our emergency response teams at SERVPRO of Laurel & SERVPRO of Greenbelt NE/Beltsville E are here 24/7 to help! 301-323-8862.

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